Watch Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) Full Movie Online For Free.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) Full Movie Summary

Rise of the Planet of the Apes, directed by Rupert Wyatt and released in 2011, revitalizes the beloved “Planet of the Apes” franchise with a fresh and thought-provoking origin story. Combining cutting-edge visual effects with a compelling narrative, this film sets the stage for a new era of science fiction cinema. Here's an in-depth review covering the plot, performances, cinematography, and overall impact of “Rise of the Planet of the Apes.”

Plot: The story centers on Will Rodman (James Franco), a scientist working for the pharmaceutical company Gen-Sys in San Francisco. Will is dedicated to finding a cure for Alzheimer's disease, driven by the personal motivation of helping his father, Charles Rodman (John Lithgow), who suffers from the condition. Will's research involves testing a new drug, ALZ-112, on chimpanzees, which significantly enhances their intelligence.

One of the test subjects, a female chimp named Bright Eyes, displays remarkable cognitive abilities but becomes aggressive and is put down. Unknown to the scientists, Bright Eyes was protecting her newborn son, Caesar, who inherits her enhanced intelligence. Will takes Caesar home and raises him, observing his extraordinary development.

As Caesar grows, his intelligence and self-awareness lead to increasing tension between him and the human world. After an incident with a neighbor, Caesar is taken to a primate sanctuary, where he experiences cruelty and abuse. Here, Caesar's leadership qualities emerge as he begins to unite the other apes.

Will continues his research, developing a more potent version of the drug, ALZ-113, which proves to be fatal to humans but exponentially boosts ape intelligence. Caesar, now fully aware of his potential and the injustice faced by his kind, orchestrates an escape from the sanctuary. He leads the apes in a rebellion against their human oppressors, culminating in a dramatic confrontation on the Golden Gate Bridge.

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